Something magical has happened!
Although it certainly didn’t start off looking magical. In fact, it appeared at first as really bad news!
I got an email one evening saying that the tenancy agreement for my beautiful home is not going to be renewed.
Arghhhhhhhh!!! NO!
My stomach hit the floor.
I was now going to have to go through the expense and effort of trying to find somewhere to live, but worse than that, I couldn’t imagine anywhere that I really wanted to be other than here.
I love where I live, and I know I manifested this place with magic, because it was exactly what I’d asked for, and I was ‘lucky’ to get such a great flat in this amazing location for the price. I got the feeling that I wouldn’t be able to find another place around here that was such a perfect sanctuary for me, so I was gutted.
BUT… I’ve been asking the universe for big changes over the past few weeks and months. So after having a pity party for an hour or so, rather than see this as a bad thing, I decided to look at it as a door opening.
After all, in order to attract something new and better into your life you have to be willing to declutter what’s not serving you and let go of the old. And that’s especially true for ways of thinking and being.
I’d been safely ensconced in the comfort zone of my home, and the habits and routines of daily living, which typically blind us to other possibilities and opportunities, and now I sensed that the universe was letting me know it was time for a new adventure!

“How is this situation an amazing opportunity for my highest good?”
I didn’t have to wait long to find out!
The next morning I was on a call with a couple of friends. I mentioned that this had happened, and one of my friends said…
“I’d love you to house-sit for me for six months.”
Yes, it was that fast!
And it gets better than that.
Her house is in a beautiful, rural retreat-like setting, surrounded by nature – IN PORTUGAL!”
My heart said yes before my mind caught up with what was going on.
My mind saw a few problems about being away so long, but then it dawned on me that I’ve been asking the universe to help me write the novel that’s been in my head for three years, which I find difficult to focus on and be in a creative flow with when I have so much to do in my business to attract clients, to pay for everything.
I’d love to see this book published, and I wanted to find a book writing retreat to get it started, so I collected pictures of women I imagined as authors working at their lap tops, looking out from beautiful balconies in peaceful rural settings, along with a whole bunch of other positive images to support my vision. I put them in a folder which I set as my screen saver.
Now, whenever I leave my laptop on for more than ten minutes these images below rotate on my screen, and they really make me smile and light my heart up – and that kind of energetic charge is what you need to make your vision boards and the like effective.

Then she took me on a tour of her house via video link from her laptop, and showed me the view… from her balcony… and it’s pretty bloody close to what I’d been calling in!
So suddenly here was my chance to write my book… without the need to work so much on my business… and in a dream setting!

I convinced myself that I needed to be sensible, settle down, grow up and ‘get real’ – whatever that meant.
At the same time, like many of us, I’ve had the burdensome belief that ‘making a living is hard’, so I really struggled to recapture the effortless freedom, flow and abundance I’d had during those traveller years.
It’s really required me to dig deep and trust to shift those patterns. But now I can happily I can say that the abundance transformation work that propels my clients forward into new possibilities, is generously flowing abundance back to me too.
(Teach what you most need to know… or as Deepak says below, “Give what you seek…”)
Amazingly, alongside the ‘writing retreat’ in Portugal, I’ve also manifested a healthy flow of money that will support me aside from my business!
It’s like the doors to financial abundance have finally flung open for me… AND I’m going to be living this location-independant laptop lifestyle too!
What that means is that, although at the moment I’m doing a lot of healing and transformation sessions on and offline, I honestly don’t know how much more client work I’ll have space for once I get into writing my book.
So if you’d like some of the magic I’ve been experiencing while I still definitely have time to support your abundance transformation, I’d love to help, so read on below.
I am SOOOOOO excited. It feels like this is just the beginning, and I know that the miracles, sychronicities and flow that are raising my vibration are flowing into my client work, and are going to lead us all on to even more magic and possibilities.
And I can’t wait to share that with you!
So watch this space!

Would you like to ‘normalise the miraculous’ and activate magic?
If you consider yourself a bit of a spiritual adventurer, you’re intuitive or highly sensitive, you’re fascinated by the real possibilities of alchemy and energy work, and you love to push the boundaries of what you believe is possible in order to be, do and have MORE, then let’s talk!
When you work at soul level from your infinite power, nothing is impossible, and the universe has more abundance lined up for you than you can ever imagine.
My role is to help you access that power within you and give you energetic and alchemical processes channeled specifically for you to transform anything that’s stopping you from receiving what you desire.
This exciting personal transformation work will help you:
* Create more abundance and financial prosperity
* Manifest your dreams
* Find greater business success
* Experience more freedom
* Deepen your connection with Source and your Higher Guidance team
* Restore a sense of flow and peace of mind
* Empower you with more confidence, self esteem, self trust and self belief
* Unlock your genius potential
* Free your creativity
* Attract and keep a compatible soul mate
* Develop fulfilling and harmonious relationships
* Achieve a greater level of health and vitality
* Release energetic programmes that don’t belong to you but still control you
* Resolve traumas and emotional issues that are keeping you small
If you feel called to do this then there are various ways I can work with you to accomplish that.
Because this work is fast I typically work with clients over an intensive six or twelve week period. You can also book in for additional ad hoc sessions.
I’m going to Portugal at the end of October, so if you know you want to work with me then best not to leave it too long, as I don’t know what to expect once I get there!
There is no magic bullet to manifesting the things you deeply desire, and what you will discover is that the real blessing is in the journey. But this work requires full commitment to your heart. If you’re willing to invest in yourself so your skin’s in the game, and do what it takes, then magic and miracles will become your new normal on the way to you manifesting your dreams!
To find out if this is right for you, get in touch and book a free complimentary 40 minute call with me.
After a brief chat, if it feels like we could be a fit I’ll take you through an energy process to connect you to your Infinite Self and your highest vision, which will give you some clarity, and then we can talk about how working together could bring that into reality.
There’s no obligation and no pressure to go further. This has to FEEL right to both of us, and your body is the best guidance for that, regardless of whether your mind is saying “Yes!” or “No!”
You can book a time to talk here (click to access my online schedule), or hit reply to this email and let me know what you think.
I look forward to introducing you to your inner magic!
To living abundantly,
Much love

P.S. If you’re new to co-creating abundance with Higher Consciousness and exercising your spiritual power, here is a free resource for you that you might find helpful to get you started – Magnetise Yourself to Money (Energy activation and pdf guide) |