You are not alone on this journey – ask the angels to help you


Below is another video where I’m awkwardly sharing the woo-woo again!

Since I made the last video at the end of the summer on the fun you can have with Angel Numbers I’ve been connecting with angels every day, and it has had an amazing effect! I’ve felt so much more supported, the journey has felt easier, more peaceful and I’m trusting more than ever that the universe has my back, which I had never expected just from playing more! But it’s still challenging to speak about out loud!   It’s that image of angels being fluffy white beings hanging about on clouds that makes it feel hard to articulate. However, someone helped me reframe how I saw them as “the architects and builders of the universe – gigantic energies of magnificence.” And that beautifully conveys the power and love that they have for all of us so much more appropriately, and the power we have available to us. Because ultimately they are not separate from us anyway, but an extension of us.   During a recent session with a client where I helped her connect with the powerful angelic beings around her for the first time, she told me that she’d known angels were there ‘somewhere’, but had also said “I avoided going there because it felt too uncomfortable to own.” So if both of us were feeling awkward, but both felt the powerful support and energy from the angels, I’m certain that there are many other people who will be feeling the same. So I thought I’d share the unpolished video anyway.   I also keep getting lots of messages that they want more people to connect with them for Higher Guidance. So if you’ve been curious about angels but thought it a bit too far out and fluffy to explore yourself, firstly, you are not alone! And secondly, I hope this video inspires you to dip your toe in the water and start asking them to help you. Because there are infinite numbers of them all around you just waiting for you to ask.

If you’d like to open up more to the spiritual guidance all around you for help in any aspect of your life or business, or you’d like to get more aligned with the flow of abundance you’d love to experience, email me at and we can arrange a complimentary 30 minute call, or simply book a time via my online scheduling service by clicking this link and following the onscreen instructions. I look forward to welcoming you to a magical journey!

To your transformation.

Much love,
Cathy Ballard – Spiritual Buisness Mentor and Transformation Coach
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