Table of Contents
The energy is rising
How has your inner guidance been during the months and weeks of the pandemic?
Did it tell you to jump straight in and get sharing, serving and showing up, or have you been feeling frustrated that you weren’t getting the green light to go for it?
Frustration tends to be my go-to place of resistance.
For the first few months of the pandemic I hadn’t felt the intuitive impulse to share, and I didn’t want to force anything. So I surrendered. But then I began to feel the stirrings to serve in a bigger way, and because I didn’t have clarity about how that might look, I got stuck, and it took me through an annoying period of frustration and self doubt.
For over 12 months prior to that I’d been following guidance to pull back from my business, and I pared down everything I was doing. I worked with just a handful of special clients and wrote my novel when the inspiration came.
Apart from that I was quite unplugged. Intuition told me I was making space for something new, but I didn’t know what.
And now the energy is rising…
Perhaps you’ve been feeling a lot of energy coming through you, keeping you awake at night, intense dreaming, emotions yo-yoing that seem out of proportion to personal triggers, emotions that don’t seem to belong to you, weird illnesses (not Coronavirus), lethargy to the point of struggling to get out of bed and off the charts enthusiasm in contrast?
As I was going through all this myself, to get some perspective on it, I went to my favourite place in nature amongst a small, magical circle of beeches and asked the trees, our beautiful Mother Gaia and my higher self team for guidance.
This is what came through, and I know it is not just for me, so I hope it serves you too.
Update: Although this was channelled back in April, it’ still very relevant and timely for what we’re going through now.

Lightworkers and healers are coming into their power…
Dear ones,
The difficulties you are individually and collectively experiencing does not mean you are off track or out of flow, even if you may have been feeling this way. There is much growth, learning and expansion into all aspects of yourself taking place in this transition time.
You are someone who holds the light, and your light is so needed right now. This is a time when the Lightworkers and healers are coming into their power.
The fact that many of you are allowing yourselves to go through this period of self doubt and confusion with no resistance means that you are moving onto your higher timeline at great pace. Your willingness to fully feel all the uncomfortable feelings without pushing any of it away means that the patterns and early programming responsible for these emotions are releasing rapidly from your energetic blueprints, and your vibration is rising.
This is exactly what is needed. Holding space for yourself and others to navigate this process will create exponential shifts in the collective frequency, moving humanity more quickly into a reality of greater peace, love, compassion, joy, well being, freedom and abundance for all.
As you know, currently there is a great deal of fear and resistance in the collective field of humanity, a feeling of constraint and oppression as people suffer the unnatural state of imposed lockdown, economic uncertainties, illness, confusion and disconnection from the shared space of loved ones and the wider human family.
There are many who are able to hold the light and support those who are falling into the trap of believing they are powerless and limited. Most are still living and experiencing the current world circumstances from their conditioned mental structures, which are perpetuating the fear, anger, anxiety, grief, sadness and powerlessness.
But this view is only one point of view.
And you are at a choice point.
We cannot stress this enough.

A New Earth… The Golden Age… The Great Awakening… many names for a point in your human and planetary evolution that offers so much possibility for so many.
This is an exceptional time in your history. Those who are awake or awakening are feeling the potency of its potential.
The polarity on the planet between love and fear is at its highest point ever. Your collective frequency has been rising rapidly and gathering momentum since the 2012 Stargate opened, bringing with it much more light to the planet. And in your 3D duality, always when there is greater light comes darker shadows.
But fear not.
When many of you come together to shine light into the shadows, with a willingness to look at what is truly there, from every direction, the shadows are eliminated.
Your assignment now is to choose. Do you align with the light – with what feels good, expansive, with endless possibility and potential for a new Earth that can include all the love, kindness, caring, abundance, freedom, security, food and support for all – UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS?
Or do you let yourselves get gripped by fear, and believe in the negativity in the world, which is being constantly peddled to you by your main stream media, reinforcing the doom and gloom, pulling humanity into a collective field of scarcity, lack, struggle, chaos, contraction, overwhelm, uncertainty – and at the root of it all… SEPARATION?
Please share with all that this can be seen as an opportunity, even when you are riding the waves of chaos.
Let the grief, anger and sadness of all that is falling away be fully felt. This is healthy and essential work as you move into higher states of being.
So many of you are highly sensitive, and this sensitivity is a tremendous gift to the world. You are here to be a part of a whole new way of living. Right now you are in a global process that has changed your whole reality in such a few short months to something that was previously unimaginable.
And although current circumstances are far from the experience you want, you can rapidly create something new when you all work together with a shared intent.
Together you are so powerful!
The slate is being wiped clean and you are collectively being offered the opportunity to co-create and rewrite, redraw and reinvent your world as you would have it, for yourselves, and as a legacy to leave your children, with plenty for all.
It is possible, but it requires your absolute belief, your unwavering focus and your attention to bring it into being.
You are all so powerful. If only you fully realised how powerful you are, you would be an unstoppable force for good.
You are pure consciousness.
So what is the BEST world that you can imagine?

You have the collective powers of the universe at your fingertips. Most of you have forgotten this, but many more of you will awaken and remember this in the upcoming few years. This will be a mass awakening.
You may think or believe that you are not powerful as one individual human being, but you are never alone. You are part of one great human family on Earth. Your contribution of your heart and mind towards creating a more beneficial future for all – without needing to know HOW at this stage – will make a difference.
Leave the HOW up to the Universe. It is not your business to know that. All is in hand. What you do need to realise is that the Universe is always working in your favour, no matter how external circumstances appear. The wise, loving, intelligent and benevolent force of life that grows everything in Nature towards its fullest potential is growing you towards your greatest expression also.
You are not separate from Nature. You are ONE with it. And you are LIGHT.
Many of the Lightworkers on Earth had been trying to do everything on their own, rather than joining together with their soul brothers and sisters in collaboration. By doing so, you are missing out on the powerful mirrors that you offer one another. By supporting, and being supported by other light bearers you will have your light reflected back to you, reminding you of who you really are – an infinite being, a unique spark of god-consciousness. They will help you remember this at the times you drop back into unconsciousness, into the illusion you have long believed about yourself as being just one small human being in a body, separate from others, trying to survive.
By bringing yourselves together and choosing unity, by giving and receiving support with pure intent and staying in connection with Mother Nature, you are creating an exponential shift in frequency in the collective field between you all. This will serve to free you from the strong pull of fear, density of the third dimension, doubt, confusion and powerlessness that the majority of humanity is feeding. It will strengthen you so that together you may create a more loving, prosperous, caring, compassionate, rich and nourishing future for yourselves and the planet, leading the way for others who are still in the awakening process.
We ask you to consciously make a choice about what you are aligning with – LOVE or FEAR.
You have the power within you.
You always did.
Your light is so very needed.
The challenges are many, be it money fears, lack and scarcity of resources, overwhelming change and uncertainty in your work life or business, relationship pressures under lockdown, health issues or personal freedoms taken away. You are all in this together.
But the question is, are you willing to let go of the resistance to all that is happening and all you are feeling in this moment?
Are you willing to let go of what was, and look beyond this reality and energetically step into what could be?
Are you ready for something new and greater to manifest?
Trying to cling to past structures, identity and ways of being that once felt so familiar, pre-Coronavirus – are no longer tenable, and will only exacerbate suffering. The changes being wrought in the world at large, and in the consciousness of humanity, are too great to go back to any previous ‘normal’.
This is your moment to release resistance and let yourselves be carried.
It is a world of uncertainty, yes. But you are a child of the universe. Your heart and natural genius will guide you through the unfamiliar terrain towards a whole new way of life, and your greatest joy – even if you do not have mental clarity about what that looks like yet.
Taking the path of least resistance does not mean that you won’t feel the ups and downs. All that is old must fall away, and it will be like riding the waves on the ocean. But the currents and tides know where to take you if you surrender to them.
Follow your natural inner impulses to create, to share, to connect with others.
Centre yourself, ground, do what you need to do to care for your energy.
It’s okay to feel good and shine when so many others are in despair. Your pioneering light will serve to lift them.
In fact, it’s imperative that you be yourself. The Golden Age that is coming into being right now will be created by those of you who are pure of heart, connected to your own sense of joy, love, peace, gratitude, celebration of life, faith in the ONE life and connection to Mother Nature.
Rise above all you are hearing from outside of yourself and the stories in the media.
Trust your knowing of who you really are. Trust your connection to your inner wisdom and timeless knowledge. Trust your creative power. And support others to do the same.
As you remember to do this you activate one another.
Have faith in the great process of transformation that is underway. As we collectively step into the New Earth frequency the gifts available to you as Lightworkers will be plenty. Be prepared for the opening of your psychic centres, immediate healings, instant manifestations and so much more. All the inner work you have done in the past few years will be richly rewarded.
All is unfolding exactly as it should, for the highest good of all.
Blessings to all.

Channelled sessions and other support
Can I support you by offering a gentle hand to guide you back into flow and bring clarity; to help you access an elevated, more resourceful vibrational state through channeled sessions, where you will connect with your bigger vision, and where you can meet your own Higher Self, natural genius, deep knowing, and infinite creative power?
Are you curious about how to open up to receiving more, releasing abundance blocks and having a deeper connection with your own inner guidance that you can trust and find peace with?
Do you need loving, encouragement and support through a transition; you’ve already let go of the old, but feeling overwhelming fears and limitations blocking your path to the new?
If so, and you would like to talk to me about how I could help you through the transformation process in a safe, supportive way through Flow Alignment Sessions or a bespoke programme of private sessions, please email me at cathy@cathyballard.com or follow this link to book a complimentary ‘Possibility Call’ where you can schedule a time for us to discuss options about how we might work together.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you much peace and love in these exceptional times.

Cathy teaches her clients to develop and trust their connection to Source, master their spiritual power and reclaim their worth and value, creating more joy, satisfaction and abundance as a natural by-product of authentic alignment.
Email: connect@cathyballard.com
Facebook: Cathy Ballard Transformation Coaching
If you’ve enjoyed this post please leave a comment below and share with your friends!
Hello Lovely Cathy Ballard!
My goodness you do look smashing! Whatever you’re doing do send me a piece of it! No matter package it anyway.
It is so good to hear from you – now and then you will flash through my mind and I’ll say, ‘I wonder what she is up to now?’
As for me something is not quite right for no matter what I do my finances will not shift, so that is still a challenge for me, an I don’t know what to do to shift it short of robbing a bank! And that is not what we do. I have not quite finished reading your article yet but will do so later on tonight before bed. Cathy, I’m in the process of moving so it will probably take me a few days before I respond properly.
Much love and thank you for thinking of me.
Hello Verette, thank you for reading my blog post! I have been completely inward-focused during the whole pandemic lockdown and have only just seen your message, so apologies for such a slow response.
I hope you have been ok during these crazy times and that your move went well. I was thinking about your finances situation and I can highly recommend The 40 Day Program, which is free, and I have done a few times myself to get into alignment with abundance frequency – whether money or any other kind of abundance your heart is calling for. You can find it here – https://teachersofgod-org.mykajabi.com/40-day-program
Lots of love to you x
Thank you Cathy.. what a wonderful channelling.. So reassuring and at the same time, gentle action. Would love to have a chat and see if we have anything to do together at some point.. It’s been a long time!
Hi Rosemary, thank you so much for your message. I’m glad it resonated. Let’s definitely catch up! x
Hey Cathy, thank-you so much for putting this out in the world. This information has been coming to me too but I’ve been in that place of no clear direction, yet…It seems to be gaining momentum, more synchronicity, more frequency now though. I
I’d love to collaborate if the energy fits. Kellie Jones
Hi Kellie, thanks for your message. I emailed you directly x