This morning, as I pulled a card to share for this video, I asked “What card would best serve people right now?”
I pulled the Page of Wands, which couldn’t be more aligned with the astrology of today’s new moon and yesterday’s Vernal Equinox. There’s a lot of new-beginning, fire-energy making itself available to us, but we still have a lot of clearing to do, so you may find yourself in the messy-middle, working through lots of stuff, but feeling ready for a new chapter to begin where you can get your creative juices flowing and your motor running again after the slowness of winter.
This video on the Page of Wands has some great guidance to help you get started.
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Table of Contents
The Page of Wands transcript
Hi, it’s Cathy here,
Welcome to my channel. I make videos on transformation, abundance, spirituality and how we can make life easier and more enjoyable by looking at it through the lens of the tarot.
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The Page of Wands, the Equinox and the New Moon
Yesterday was Ostara, the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, which marks the start of Spring and a whole new astrological year, and that means we’ve moved into the fire sign Aries. And today is the new moon – more new beginnings.
Now I’m not an astrologer, but I am super-sensitive, and astrological energy shifts really impact me, so I like to keep track of the moon and check in with astrology because I find it really helps me manage my energy and often throws light on why I’ve been feeling like I have.
The Spring Equinox is a time of rebirth and new beginnings after the winter’s hibernation period, and awakening new vision, creative ideas and go-getting energy that’s bold and courageous.
Like Aries, the Wands in tarot are connected with the element of fire, and the Page of Wands represents the energy of inspiration, limitless potential, creative vision, ideas, adventure and discovery.
You can see he is a young man, well-dressed in brightly-coloured clothes, standing confidently in the middle of a desert, holding a long staff in both hands and looking inquisitively at the leaves sprouting from the top. He is inspired by the potential he sees, but he is yet to take action.
So like the Page of Wands, this is a time to use this new moon and Equinox energy, not to rush ahead, but to look at what you want and at your potential, and to accept that there is preparation work and stuff that needs to be cleared before you start to get traction.

Qualities of the Page of Wands
He is an outgoing, a visionary youth with loads of enthusiasm, excitement and curiosity. He is a free spirit and has a great sense for adventure and represents fun and child-like happiness.
The salamanders woven into the fabric in his tunic represent fire and transformation, and the orange of his leggings stand for vitality and courage.
Although the environment he’s in seems dry and barren, the Page of Wands believes in himself and his abilities, and because of his love for adventure, he can find potential and make things happen, even in the most unlikely places.
The Page of Wand’s message – new adventure / new calling?
All Pages are messengers and usually bring with them good news. His message or advice might be to follow his lead and jump into new adventures and things you’re passionate about wholeheartedly.
The Page of Wands is talented, he knows what to do, he’s passionate, ambitious and full of hope with regard to succeeding, and he’s willing to start a new journey with a leap of faith to do that.
Maybe the new beginnings energy available to us right now will inspire you to begin a new adventure or journey, or maybe something is calling you. His advice then is to connect with your inner self and your originality, your talents and abilities, and go and carve out a unique path. Go and let your ideas shine and create your own kind of success in the world.
Don’t let fears of the unknown stop you from going for what you want
The Pages in tarot represent fresh, young energy, but lack the wisdom of experience. So the less helpful traits of the Page of Wands is that he might be a little immature and impatient, he could lack the focus to follow through and he may have a fear of the unknown.
If he lets his fears get to him, he could sabotage himself by letting himself get easily distracted by other ideas, or he might get discouraged and fail to take action – so his ideas remain just ideas.
On a collective level, this brand new chapter is here for us all to move into, but together we hold a lot of fears as the planet and our social structures go through big shifts. We all need to purge and release these fears that sabotage the Page of Wands and clear them from our collective human psyche so we can move forwards.
So if you feel something is holding you back, or you got wonderful ideas but are failing to follow through on them, or you’re feeling very tired, or experiencing illness, or you’re being triggered a lot, this is all part of the clearing process.
The Page of Wand’s message is to be willing to face these inner saboteurs head-on. Don’t avoid them. Discover what you need to do in order to succeed and make a plan of action that will help you to create the freedom and future you desire, and don’t let any immaturity or fear within yourself stop you from accomplishing all you set out to achieve.

Is this someone you know?
As in every tarot card in the deck, the Court Cards can represent aspects of ourselves, but they often represent other people in our lives who we may or may not already know. So the Page of Wands could stand for someone who could bring both the positive or the negative aspects of this card into your world.
They could be someone who is very charismatic and charming, with heaps of creative passion, full of enthusiasm and big ideas that really inspires you to get going on your own projects, or maybe to collaborate on something together.
If this is happening for you, and you decide to do something together with this person, be careful not to get pulled in and swept off your feet by charm alone. Be optimistic, but stay circumspect, centred in your own energy and grounded, and don’t allow yourself to be manipulated into anything that sounds too good to be true, because it probably won’t be.
They might also represent someone in your life who can talk the talk, but is a bit of a dreamer and doesn’t take the required action to make things happen. Or their unconscious fears or lack of experience might stop them from following through. If you’re collaborating in some way with this person, be clear with your boundaries, expectations and responsibilities or it could lead you to taking on too much.
But if you do take care, it could be a really fun ride with this person, where everything plays out in the best way.
So that’s the energy of the Page of Wands!
Thanks so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video, and if it resonated with you today, do please leave me a comment below, and don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe, and I will see you next time.

Hello! I’m Cathy, I’m an intuitive transformational coach, healer and spiritual guide for women who want to live more authentically, more abundantly and more in flow by working with their spiritual power, so that they can create a life they love on their own terms.
Facebook: Cathy Ballard Transformation Coaching
Instagram: cathycballard
Linktree: cathyballardcoaching