Burnout: a shameful weakness or a powerful upgrade?

Burnout: a shameful weakness or a powerful upgrade?

I’ve just recovered from the second period of burnout in twelve months. I used to feel a sense of shame at getting sick, criticising myself that I must have been so unaware of myself to let myself get so out of balance.  I used to think I must have been doing...
How to raise your vibration: 25 ways to lift your energy

How to raise your vibration: 25 ways to lift your energy

In this article I’d like to offer you some suggestions of how to raise your vibration after you’ve experienced a setback, because when the way ahead seems unclear, this will get you back on track in no time. When things have gone belly up, leaving you reeling, because...
Introducing The Conscious Dabbler

Introducing The Conscious Dabbler

Do you give yourself permission to PLAY often enough? Do you remember the feelings of pleasure, fun and light-heartedness when you let yourself PLAY… when you’re free from expectations, justifications or self-criticism no matter what you do… where you’re simply in an...