What will help me manifest my dreams, goals and desires?

What will help me manifest my dreams, goals and desires?

3-card-pull to help me manifest my dreams, goals and desires  Manifesting has become quite a buzzword over the past few years, and as a transformation coach, it’s a key part of the work I do with clients. Manifesting refers to the process of intentionally creating and...
Transformation is a dance, not a straight line

Transformation is a dance, not a straight line

In this video (10 mins) I’m talking about how the transformational process is a bit more like a dance than a linear path. We tend to cha-cha through life, taking two steps forward, one back, to the sides and forward again, and it’s the meaning we give to the...
Tarot changed my life

Tarot changed my life

Discovering tarot changed my life. I first came across it when I moved away to Leeds university as a post-punk art student doing a graphic design degree. Desperate to get away from my restrictive, conservative town where I’d grown up and didn’t fit in, my rebellious...
Tarot archetypes as energy medicine

Tarot archetypes as energy medicine

If you like playing with energy and your intuition, or with divination tools, and you’re interested in tarot archetypes, then you might like to have a go at this energy medicine exercise below. By connecting with your inner being and tuning into the energy of...