Transformation is a dance, not a straight line

Transformation is a dance, not a straight line

In this video (10 mins) I’m talking about how the transformational process is a bit more like a dance than a linear path. We tend to cha-cha through life, taking two steps forward, one back, to the sides and forward again, and it’s the meaning we give to the...
Burnout: a shameful weakness or a powerful upgrade?

Burnout: a shameful weakness or a powerful upgrade?

I’ve just recovered from the second period of burnout in twelve months. I used to feel a sense of shame at getting sick, criticising myself that I must have been so unaware of myself to let myself get so out of balance.  I used to think I must have been doing...
Tarot changed my life

Tarot changed my life

Discovering tarot changed my life. I first came across it when I moved away to Leeds university as a post-punk art student doing a graphic design degree. Desperate to get away from my restrictive, conservative town where I’d grown up and didn’t fit in, my rebellious...
Is channeling woo-woo New Age nonsense, or a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment?

Is channeling woo-woo New Age nonsense, or a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment?

What is channeling? Channeling refers to the practice of allowing non-physical entities to use a person’s body for the purpose of communicating spiritual knowledge and guidance, and sending high frequency energy from higher planes of reality.   Not everyone...