The paradox of wanting change while avoiding it

The paradox of wanting change while avoiding it

Are you pushing too hard because things are not happening fast enough? Do you feel like you’re wading through treacle or banging your head against the glass ceiling? Or have you got some inner tension in your body that you can’t seem to shift? If so, it’s...
How will I know that everything's going to be OK?

How will I know that everything's going to be OK?

How much do you believe that the universe will catch you if you make a big leap of faith?   When you keep following your heart towards your true desires, in spite of the fear that arises from going against what your head says, it can pay HUGE dividends and...
Love or Fear – the only choice you need to make

Love or Fear – the only choice you need to make

In October I finished a 40-day programme that’s possibly been the greatest leap of faith outside my comfort zone – ever! It was based on A Course in Miracles, and the 40 days that Jesus went ‘out into the desert to be tempted by the devil’.   I...